Air (Vayu)

Fire (Agni) - Element Energizers

Our whole cosmic quest of the world and beyond starts from the point of panchabhuta (five elements) which then manifests in an enjoining manner to form the life force and then, later, those five elements disintegrates to ensure a celestial traverse at the Paramanu (atom) level.

However, we will first try to understand these five elements which are Earth or Prithvi; Water or Jal ; Fire or Agni; Air or Vayu and then Ether. Each of these Five elements has its own character and celestial elements which we will gauge in the following lines.

Fire or Agni is the fourth element of Indian Panchabhuta. Again it has eternal and perishable elements as we have seen above. The essential character of Fire is to generate heat. According to Hindu Mythology, Agni is one of the Eight guardians who guards our universe and is known as Asta- dik-palakas (Asta-eight, dik--Zone, Palaka-Guardian). The Fire is posited in the South East of the Universe.

Some features of this element


Hot, Sharp, Dry, Subtle, Weightless and Rough


Radiation of Heat and Light


Form, Color and Temperature


Anything Combustible and Spicy


Chilies, Ginger, Pepper, Clove, Cumin


Increases digestion, metabolism (fire and heat), glow and color of skin